Australian Trout Foundation ATF Online

The Australian Trout Foundation (ATF) has teamed up with Native Fish Australia (VIC) to present a Fish Habitat Workshop at Myrtleford on Saturday 28th April. The team (see flyer below) are constantly seeking the best methods to combat threats to our Fish Habitats, while also recognising and applauding the excellent work done in all regions by partnerships involving Catchment Management Authorities, Recreational Anglers / Clubs and Land Care groups; particularly in clearing and re-planting riparian zones around our waterways and putting snags back in the streams.

Healthy Waterways = Healthy Fishing
The main purpose of this Fish Habitat Workshop is to create awareness of the threats to our waterways and fisheries, and to assemble an army of “Habitat Soldiers” to join in partnerships and take some responsibility in restoring the health of our waterways through identifying and completing habitat restoration projects. It’s all about working together in partnerships where “Every Little Bit Helps”.

More information can be found here:

Habitat Workshop

or go to our Facebook page and click on "Events"